24 Hours Without My Phone
In 2008, Tiffany Shlain’s father, Leonard, was diagnosed with brain cancer, and she began to change her use of technology when the two of them were together. “Some days he would have only one good hour,” she later wrote in the Harvard Business...Can’t Break Free From Your Devices? ‘24/6’ Offers Guide For Healthier Living.
Can’t Break Free From Your Devices? ’24/6′ Offers Guide For Healthier Living. “…So much information right at our fingertips! But it’s gotten out of control… We’re addicted, distracted, overloaded. We have, as Jews, this...
Pulling The Plug- Technology Shabbat
“Nine years ago, my husband, two children, and I participated in the first National Day of Unplugging (NDU), where we turned off screens on a Friday night for 24 hours. The experience was so profound that we decided to make it a weekly ritual. We call it...