Is 5G Dangerous? Israel Talk Radio Interview

We enjoy and rely heavily on our ‘smart devices’, but not fooling ourselves, what’s the flip side of the radiation danger? What is ‘5G’ and what is ‘dirty electricity’ is in our homes? How far away should we be from our...

Quick and Easy EMF Guide

NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW! Check out Quick and Easy EMF Guide: 99 Tips to Lower Exposure to Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation. “Remember the novel coronavirus? The COVID-19 pandemic? Like EMFs, we couldn’t see, touch, or smell that invisible enemy. Now is a good...

10 Examples of Electromagnetic Energy

10 Examples of Electromagnetic Energy Where are exposures coming from and what can we do about them? Nature and direct current Basic electricity and dirty electricity (Alternating Currents) Radio and TV towers Smart Phones WiFi / Routers / Bluetooth Cell Towers...