Is 5G Dangerous? Israel Talk Radio Interview

We enjoy and rely heavily on our ‘smart devices’, but not fooling ourselves, what’s the flip side of the radiation danger? What is ‘5G’ and what is ‘dirty electricity’ is in our homes? How far away should we be from our...

EMFs: The Silent Killer In Your Home

Anna Wright is 15 years old. Three years ago her brother got sick from EMFs and Mold Biotoxin Illness. Since then her family’s journey has been a difficult one. So she decided to do her 9th-grade research paper on EMFs: Did you know that there are man-made frequencies...

Dirty Electricity Interview

What are the physical effects of prolonged, constant exposure to the electromagnetic radiation coming off of your personal devices, smart appliances even household wiring? At what point is the need for faster data transmission speeds outweighed by the negative health...