An Electromagnetic Health Crisis
If living beings have always been exposed to natural electromagnetic fields, and their bodies produce electric currents as well, why is there a growing concern about the human-made electromagnetic fields? Human-made EMFs/EMR are more bioactive than natural...
Why I Flipped Phones In College… And Why I’m Never Going Back
Why I Flipped Phones in College And why I’m never going back. “On one of my last mornings of college, a friend and I stayed up to watch the sun rise over Lake Michigan. Pink tinted water had been lapping at our feet for about an hour when a group of...
We’re Surrounded By Radiation 24/7… What Can You Do About It?
A new, “digital toxin” has arrived. You’re bathed in it 24/7. And it’s not going away anytime soon. Experts are saying it’s causing symptoms of premature aging, including memory loss, inflammation and even cancer. You know what I’m...EMF Dangers: The Big Cover Up And What You Can Do About It
“The Who and Why of Collusion We know the names and entities. It’s clearly about $$$. There are: No pre-market studies proving the safety of this technology. No long-term studies proving the safety of this technology. “Safety standards” are...