A new, “digital toxin” has arrived.
You’re bathed in it 24/7.
And it’s not going away anytime soon.

Experts are saying it’s causing symptoms of premature aging, including memory loss, inflammation and even cancer.

You know what I’m talking about.

EMFs, electromagnetic fields, cell phone radiation, smart meter radiation, WiFi, dirty electricity…. it goes under so many names.
Yet all too few people are aware of it.
And even fewer know what to do to protect themselves.

That’s why I’m excited to be speaking at the EMF Health Summit.
At the summit you will hear from 34 world leading experts who are also passionate.

I’ll be sharing ‘Why EMF’s are the Tobacco of the Digital Age: Strategies for Minimizing Your Exposure.
What You’ll Learn –

  • 4 reasons you must avoid energy efficient lighting and how to safely light your home instead
  • 7 step process to enjoy vibrant health by effectively dealing with EMFs in your environment
  • 4 ways to protect yourself from the cancer inducing electric radiation found in most homes

Other guests include:

  • Oram Miller, BBEC, EMRS: 5G is Coming and What YOU Can Do About It NOW
  • David Carpenter, MD, Harvard-trained physician: EMF Science: Simple Steps to Safeguard your Health
  • Jack Kruse, MD and neurosurgeon: The Inconvenient Truth: What Happens Every Time You Put a Cell Phone Against Your Head
  • Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS: Eat To Beat EMFs: Practical Tips On How To Fortify Your System
  • Daniel Pompa, PSc.D: Accelerating Cellular Regeneration – How to Protect Yourself from EMFs
  • Zach Bush, MD: Restore Intercellular Communication: The Road To Health
The EMF Health Summit is FREE and online from June 14-20, 2019.
Click here to sign up right away 
or get more information. 
I’ll see you there.