We’re Surrounded By Radiation 24/7… What Can You Do About It?
A new, “digital toxin” has arrived. You’re bathed in it 24/7. And it’s not going away anytime soon. Experts are saying it’s causing symptoms of premature aging, including memory loss, inflammation and even cancer. You know what I’m...
Pulling The Plug- Technology Shabbat
“Nine years ago, my husband, two children, and I participated in the first National Day of Unplugging (NDU), where we turned off screens on a Friday night for 24 hours. The experience was so profound that we decided to make it a weekly ritual. We call it...
Technology is effecting your children’s brains. How should parents handle it?
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been studying the effect of screen time for children. The preliminary results are in and they’re not good. The NIH report shows that nine- and ten-year-old children who spend more than two hours in front of a screen...Are Smart Meters really SMART ?
The award-winning documentaryTake Back Your Powerexamines evidence of health & environmental issues, in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, fires and hacking vulnerability. This documentary can be purchased at their web site. Additionally, the EMF...