Which light bulb should I use?
Frequently I get asked which are the safest light bulb. In short, the old style light bulbs are the best, but they are not always available. A little history – Thomas Edison invented the first feasible light bulb in the late 1800’s. That type of bulb was...Are Smart Meters really SMART ?
The award-winning documentaryTake Back Your Powerexamines evidence of health & environmental issues, in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, fires and hacking vulnerability. This documentary can be purchased at their web site. Additionally, the EMF...
Do It Yourself
We often get the questions: Can anyone do this? What background do I need? We have taken all of the scientific research and techniques and have boiled them all down into an exclusive, one-of-a-kind, and easy-to-use program that anyone can use to reduce the...