by SDE Staff | Jul 5, 2019 | 5G, Bluetooth Risk, Cancer EMF, Cell Phone Risk, Cell Phones Children Risks, Children's Health, Dirty Electricity, Health EMF, IPad Danger, iPhone Danger, Mobile Phone Risk, Stop Dirty Electricity Concern, WiFi Risk, Wireless Risk
There will be no facet of our lives that will remain untouched by 5G. Here are just a few of things 5G has in store for us: Irreplaceable physical health Precious mental, emotional well-being Sacred privacy lost Priceless environment in jeopardy All impacted by this...
by SDE Staff | Jun 12, 2019 | Bill Cadwallader, Bluetooth Risk, Cancer EMF, Cell Phone Risk, Dirty Electricity, Electric Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation, EMF, Health Concerns EMR, Health EMF, Magnetic Radiation Risks, Microwave Risk, Mobile Phone Risk, WiFi Risk
A new, “digital toxin” has arrived. You’re bathed in it 24/7. And it’s not going away anytime soon. Experts are saying it’s causing symptoms of premature aging, including memory loss, inflammation and even cancer. You know what I’m...
by SDE Staff | May 28, 2019 | 5G, Cancer EMF, Cell Phone Risk, Dirty Power, Electromagnetic Radiation, EMF, Health Concerns EMR, Health EMF, Wireless Risk
“The Who and Why of Collusion We know the names and entities. It’s clearly about $$$. There are: No pre-market studies proving the safety of this technology. No long-term studies proving the safety of this technology. “Safety standards” are...
by SDE Staff | May 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
You’re Invited To Attend!Health, Healing & Happiness Las Vegas 2019Sat, Jun 1 – Sun, Jun 2Enclave, 5810 S Eastern AveLas Vegas, NVBill Cadwallader MBA, EMRS is speaking on the Dangers of 5G at 3:00pm on Saturday, June 1 – Bill will be signing his Book...
by SDE Staff | May 14, 2019 | 5G, Children's Health, Stop Dirty Electricity Concern, Testimonials, WiFi Risk, Wireless Risk
“Nine years ago, my husband, two children, and I participated in the first National Day of Unplugging (NDU), where we turned off screens on a Friday night for 24 hours. The experience was so profound that we decided to make it a weekly ritual. We call it...
by SDE Staff | May 6, 2019 | 5G, Children's Health, IPad Danger, iPhone Danger, Stop Dirty Electricity Concern, WiFi Risk
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been studying the effect of screen time for children. The preliminary results are in and they’re not good. The NIH report shows that nine- and ten-year-old children who spend more than two hours in front of a screen...
by SDE Staff | Apr 9, 2019 | Bluetooth Risk, Cancer EMF, EMF Sensitivity, Health EMF, Wireless Risk
Are wireless earbuds dangerous? Experts warn that Apple’s AirPods could send an electromagnetic field through your brain – as 250 scientists sign petition to regulate trendy tech. 250 scientists from over 40 countries have signed a petition to the WHO and...
by SDE Staff | Apr 5, 2019 | Cancer EMF, Dirty Electricity, Electric Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation, EMF, Magnetic Fields Health, Magnetic Radiation Risks
EMF Quiet Zones: USA and Worldwide EMF-free communities are springing up in EMF Quiet Zones — areas of low, (ideally zero) electrosmog — across the world as the numbers of people becoming aware of their increasing electrosensitivity is growing. Symptoms of...
by Bill Cadwallader | Jun 11, 2016 | Cancer EMF, Electromagnetic Radiation, EMF Radiation, Microwave Risk
We’ve all heard that microwave ovens emit dangerous radiation. But just how bad is it? Watch this 1-minute video and find out the shocking truth! You may even want to remove your pets while the microwave is being used. Watch the video, click here. Measure your...
by Bill Cadwallader | May 28, 2016 | Dirty Electricity, Energy Saving Light Concern, Fluorescent Mercury
Frequently I get asked which are the safest light bulb. In short, the old style light bulbs are the best, but they are not always available. A little history – Thomas Edison invented the first feasible light bulb in the late 1800’s. That type of bulb was...