Is 5G Dangerous? What The Science Says
There will be no facet of our lives that will remain untouched by 5G. Here are just a few of things 5G has in store for us: Irreplaceable physical health Precious mental, emotional well-being Sacred privacy lost Priceless environment in jeopardy All impacted by this...EMF Dangers: The Big Cover Up And What You Can Do About It
“The Who and Why of Collusion We know the names and entities. It’s clearly about $$$. There are: No pre-market studies proving the safety of this technology. No long-term studies proving the safety of this technology. “Safety standards” are...
Pulling The Plug- Technology Shabbat
“Nine years ago, my husband, two children, and I participated in the first National Day of Unplugging (NDU), where we turned off screens on a Friday night for 24 hours. The experience was so profound that we decided to make it a weekly ritual. We call it...