Enact the “Cell Phone Right-to-Know” Law in Your Community!
Enact the “Cell Phone Right-to-Know” Law in Your Community! Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to uphold the City of Berkeley, California’s “Cell Phone Right-to-Know” law. This law...
An Electromagnetic Health Crisis
If living beings have always been exposed to natural electromagnetic fields, and their bodies produce electric currents as well, why is there a growing concern about the human-made electromagnetic fields? Human-made EMFs/EMR are more bioactive than natural...
Is Ultrasound Ultra Risky?
Ultrasound Pregnancy Risks – Latest Research About The Dangers “Many babies born today have been exposed to ultrasound numerous times, with some sources saying that a woman with a normal, low-risk pregnancy can be exposed to as many as 10-17 scans per...Video – Cancer in Your Kitchen-Microwave
We’ve all heard that microwave ovens emit dangerous radiation. But just how bad is it? Watch this 1-minute video and find out the shocking truth! You may even want to remove your pets while the microwave is being used. Watch the video, click here. Measure your...