10 Examples of Electromagnetic Energy

10 Examples of Electromagnetic Energy Where are exposures coming from and what can we do about them? Nature and direct current Basic electricity and dirty electricity (Alternating Currents) Radio and TV towers Smart Phones WiFi / Routers / Bluetooth Cell Towers...

Exposed: The Electronic Sickening of America And How To Protect Yourself

Around here we’re usually sharing some other brilliant people’s articles and research. But it’s worth mentioning again that we also have an amazing resource, and if you haven’t read it yet, it’s well worth the read. And it could save your...

Oregon Passes State Bill On Wireless Radiation And Health In Schools

The state of Oregon has passed SB 283 “A bill relating to exposure to radiation in schools in this state; and declaring an emergency” Sen. Laurie Monnes-Anderson and advocate David Morrison have championed this issue for years. This is the first bill in the United...