Exposed: The Electronic Sickening of America And How To Protect Yourself
Around here we’re usually sharing some other brilliant people’s articles and research. But it’s worth mentioning again that we also have an amazing resource, and if you haven’t read it yet, it’s well worth the read. And it could save your...
An Electromagnetic Health Crisis
If living beings have always been exposed to natural electromagnetic fields, and their bodies produce electric currents as well, why is there a growing concern about the human-made electromagnetic fields? Human-made EMFs/EMR are more bioactive than natural...
Are 5G Towers Really More Dangerous?
Are 5G Towers Really More Dangerous? “It has been demonstrated that even ELFs (Extremely Low Frequencies) and VLFs (Very Low Frequencies) can: warning sign for 5g towers Break DNA single and double-strands Cause oxidative damage Disrupt cell metabolism Increase...