Cleaning Your Bedroom Of Dirty Electricity
In this video Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Bill Cadwallader demonstrates how to measure electric fields in a bedroom. He is using an ME3030B. You can get a discount on the meter used in the video, and others using our code SAFE7 at Green Wave...Simple EMF Solutions Videos
Check out our Simple EMF Solutions videos on our YouTube. Bill goes room by room and outside the house measuring different types of radiation from common household devices.Dirty Electricity Interview
What are the physical effects of prolonged, constant exposure to the electromagnetic radiation coming off of your personal devices, smart appliances even household wiring? At what point is the need for faster data transmission speeds outweighed by the negative health...
Join Bill Cadwallader on the Healthy Home Show!
Many of us are spending more time at home right now, and thinking about health, so this is the perfect time to make your home healthier! â— Do you crave more energy, optimal health and abundance in life? â— Are you feeling lethargic, low...