As many of us are spending extra time at home right now, here are some tools to reduce your technology use.
Also: check out the rest of this website: 24SixLife.comfor amazing insight on the benefits of Technology Shabbats. Enjoy!

“These tools will help you unplug on your day away from screens and stay focused the other six days of the week.
Take a Facebook Sabbatical
Click HERE for the steps to take a Facebook Sabbatical for a month, a week, or just a couple of days.
Set Your Phone on Do Not Disturb with Brickâ„¢ Mode
Worried someone’s going to need to reach you while you’re off your phone? Here’s a tip from our partner Brickâ„¢: how to set up a text auto-reply for your phone-free time.
Add the “Momentum” Chrome Extension to Stay Focused Throughout the Week
Add the Momentum Extension for Chrome HERE
Set up your account
Prioritize your tasks by inputting your “Main Focus” for the day
Every time you open your Chrome browser or a new tab Momentum will remind you of your Main Focus for the day. Add and check off tasks as you please!
Now you can stay more focussed and less distracted when using screens six days of the week as you are constantly reminded of your goals each day!
Pause Incoming Emails with “Boomerang” for Gmail
Download Boomerang for Gmail HERE
Follow instructions on the following page to set up your Boomerang application
Now in the upper left corner of your Gmail page you will find a “Pause Inbox” button that allows you to fight email overload and stay more productive! When composing an email, you can also schedule it to send at a later time with the red “Send Later” button.”