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Baby Monitors can be extremely dangerous

Modern Baby Monitors can be just as dangerous as Smart Phones or Cordless Phones.

There are two parts to a Baby Monitor:
The unit that is next to the Baby’s headand the unit that is near the Parent.

Some Baby Monitors just transmit sounds and videos of the baby and others allow the parent to speak to the Baby.

Both can be very devastating. Some report that a wireless baby monitor less than 39 inches from a baby’s crib is roughly equivalent to the microwave radiation emitted from a cell tower less than 200 yards away.

When we have measured Baby Monitors, the worst Baby Monitor is over 120 times the safe level.

In the videos, we have used a Wireless / WiFi meter to show where a safe distance for the unit next to the baby. After moving a distance of 30 feet, we were still not at a safe distance for one specific Baby Monitor.

This Baby Monitor was a DECT model which is now a technology that is used in Cordless Phones. Most DECT units constantly produce radiation – even if the baby is not making any noise.

On this Baby Monitor, even the parental unit puts out harmful radiation. In a video testing the parental unit, we again were not at a safe distance of over 30 feet.

This parental unit is often worn by a parent because it has a belt clip or is kept on the night stand – right next to the parent’s head. These parental units also use the DECT technology which is veryharmful.

We tested another Baby Monitor that was a lot better and did not use the DECT technology. The unit by the Baby’s head was a lot less harmful radiation – but it could still not be right next to the Baby’s head. The parental unit of this Baby Monitor was less harmful and could be a lot closer to the parent. The only way to be sure is to use a Wireless / WiFi meter to test for the levels of radiation produced by Baby Monitors.

There are very easy Wireless / WiFi meters to test Baby Monitors that only use LED lights.
– Green LED’s is safe for Sleeping areas
– Yellow LED’s is safe for Non-Sleeping areas
– Amber LED’s is not safe for any areas and is up to 20 times over the safe level
– Red LED’s is not safe for any areas and is up to 120 times over the safe level.

The only way to be absolutely sure of the safety of your baby or grand baby is to measure with a Wireless / WiFi meter.


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WiFi / Wireless Meter

If you have any questions, please watch the videos testing each unit of the Baby Monitors.
The Wireless / WiFi meter can also be used for cell phones, cordless phones, iPads, Tablets, Kindle, wireless routers, wireless printers, Bluetooth devices, wireless game consoles – any device that uses Wireless / WiFi technology.

Note: Any electronic devices that have the capability of using Wireless / WiFi technology are normally not turned off if they are hardwired.

Only a Wireless / WiFi meter can determine this.

Normally if you hardwire an electronic device, the Wireless / WiFi can be turned off. Also, a good principle to follow, is whenever an electronic device is not being used, just turn it off. This will eliminate all the Wireless /WiFi radiation.