A new rule enables installation of harmful radiation transmitting antennas on homes, and to extend wireless data/voice services including 5G and satellites, to users on neighboring properties.
Therefore, people adversely affected will have no right to object or prevent these antennas’ installation, even though they will be involuntarily exposed to harmful radiation.
“This rule allows a wireless ‘Wild West,’ and will cause irreparable harm to the many who have already become injured by wireless”
says Dafna Tachover, CHD’s 5G and wireless harms project director. Because OTARD (Over-the-Air Reception Devices rule) preempts federal and state civil rights laws that protect the disabled, those injured will not be able to obtain accommodations and families will be forced out of their homes with nowhere to go.
The most insidious aspect of OTARD is that it eliminates all state and local zoning authority over these arrangements. No permit is required, deed and homeowners’ association restrictions or any other state laws are preempted. No notice to neighboring property owners is required.
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