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France Bans WiFi in Nursery Schools & Day Care

What does France know that WE don’t want to believe?
In an extraordinary move, France recently passed a bill that limits WiFi exposure for children and everyone else.
On January 29, 2015, the French National Assembly made history by passing a new national law to reduce exposures to wireless radiation electromagnetic fields.
The bill includes 14 major points that should raise concern about the safety of our children.
The article might be a bit long, but well worth the read.

Here it is. Go to the bottom for my comments.
Professor Annie Sasco, MD, DSc former Cancer Prevention Chief of the International Agency for Research on Cancer and a distinguished science adviser to Environmental Health Trust has this report about France’s new national law regulating electromagnetic field exposure.
1. WiFi Banned in Nursery Schools: WIFI and Wireless devices will be banned in “the spaces dedicated to home, to rest and activities of children under 3 years”.

2. WiFi Minimized in Schools: In schools for children up to 11 years, WiFi routers should be turned off when not in use for teaching purposes.

3. Schools Will be Informed: The board of the school should be informed when any new tech equipment is being installed in schools.

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4. Cell Tower Emission Compliance Will Be Verified: A decree will define the limits of emission of equipment for electronic communications or transmission to which the public is exposed. These values can be verified by accredited organizations and results will be made accessible to the public through a National Radio Frequency Agency.

5. Citizens Will Have Access to Environmental/Cell Tower Radiation Measurements Near homes: Every resident may get access to the results of measurements for their living space. Conditions of information of the public as well as involvement of the local authorities are specified as are the steps to follow in case of disagreement.

6. Cell Antenna Maps For the Country: A description and map of the places with atypical (higher than the limits) places will be conducted at regular intervals with follow up of the actions being taken to limit the exposure. A map of all antennas will be produced for each town.

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7. Continued Evaluation of Health Effects: The National Radiofrequence Agency will be in charge of surveillance and vigilance, evaluating potential risks and setting up scientific research, including information on health effects.

8. SAR Radiation Labeling Mandated: The SAR of cell phones must be clearly indicated on the package.

9. Information on Reducing Exposures Mandatory: Information on ways to reduce exposure will be detailed in the contents of the cell phone package. .

A gray background with a white border.10. WiFi Hotspots will be Labeled: Places where WIFI is provided should be clearly marked with a pictogram.

11. Advertisements Must Recommend Devices That Reduce Radiation Exposure to the Brain: Advertising for cell phones should clearly indicate the recommendation of hand free kits for protection of the head of the user and it will be included in the package. Advertising for cell phone not accompanied by such a kit is forbidden. Companies in violation will be fined 75,000 Euros ($83,850 US).

12. Children Must Be Provided Protection: At the request of the buyer, equipment reducing cell phone radiation exposures to the head for children less than 14 years should be provided.

13. The Public Will Be Informed: Within a year, a policy of information on awareness and information on a responsible and reasonable use of cell phones and other apparatus emitting radio frequencies will be set up.

14. Electrohyper-sensitivity Report To Be Submitted: Within a year, a report on electrohyper-sensitivity must be given to the Parliament.

I don’t know where to start.

We must take steps to protect our children from harmful radiation exposure whether or not the government or industries recognize the danger.

France has taken the first steps to reducing their Electromagnetic Radiation and improve their health. The updated Bioinitiative Report of 2012,


has over 3,900 scientific articles and papers which support what France has done.
There are many things you can do right now to reduce exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation and we would love to help you do that.
The Cadwallader Protocol was specifically designed with YOU in mind, to train and empower YOU to take control of this largely neglected health issue.
Check out our Do It Yourself Video Package or contact us regarding Professional Packages:
