We’ve been talking about our new book so much lately, we wanted to take a minute to talk about another one we’d recommend: 24/6 The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week by Tiffany Shlain.







“I clearly remember the night we took the iPhone plunge in 2007. I tried to convey to Ken why I was worried that smartphones might be a detriments to our relationship. But of course we opened our white Pandora’s boxes from Apple… We could bring our screens with us everywhere, and we did… And like everyone else, we got addicted. Researchers have compared the sense of technological dependency–the feeling that we must be accessible and responsive at any time– to that of drugs and alcohol. It’s all because of the hormone dopamine which is related to mood, attention, and desire. When you find something that feels good, dopamine makes you want more of it. I recently heard the term ‘DIGITAL OBESITY’. Yes, I get it. Too much of anything can be detrimental to your health and well-being…” -Tiffany Shlain