Most Dirty Electricity is produced when modern electronics, dimmer switches, appliances, and energy-efficient lights convert standardAC electricity into other forms of electricity to operate.It is also generatedwhen devices draw power from a building’s system intermittently rather than continuously.
Once created, Dirty Electricity spreadsthroughout a building and even to other buildings throughelectrical wiring, ground/plumbing currents, and power lines. It radiates into living and work environments, exposing those inside to potentially harmful Electromagnetic Radiation(EMR). Mounting evidence suggests that Dirty Electricity affects health.
Dirty Electricity– some of the main sources:
- Dimmer Switches
- Electric Clocks
- Cordless Phones
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Breaker Panels or Fuse Boxes
- Electric Utility Meter
- Chargers
- Newer Light Bulbs
- Hair Dryers
- Electric Tooth Brushes
- TV
- Computers
- DVD Players
- Cable Boxes
- Satellite Boxes
- Any Electronic Device when plugged in
- Overhead Power lines
- Buried Power Lines
- Stray Voltage on Water Pipes, Gas Lines, Cable TV Lines, Phone Lines